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Two of the most important qualities for any marketing agency are Creativity and Passion. Fall short bye either of these measures and a company will hard-pressed to compensate by any other means. Also without leadership, infrastructure, and process, no agency can survive in today’s competitive marketplace. Frackle Media makes your shopping experience fast and simple to meet all your needs.

1. Sales Process
2. Kick-Off
3. Project Management
4. Deployment
5. Production
6. Bulling

Sales Process
During a formal needs-analysis, we learn about your business, goals, and what you’ve been doing to accomplish them. We don’t rush the proposal process, and will often meet several times to outline the best plan of action for your organization, scoping the project to assure an accurate estimate. Frackle understands that not every business is a good fit for our services, so we carefully ask the necessary questions and take a snapshot of a potential client’s holistic needs. Once we have a good understanding of your business objectives, Frackle Media will provide you with a proposal, and work with you to ensure that all of the need will be addressed.

If our services and your organization are a fit for each other we start by hosting a kick-off meeting, giving our team members a chance to review a creative brief with you. These meetings are a critical part of the process. It’s where the relationship really takes shapes and it gives us a chance to start brainstorming on how we’re going to bring your vision to life! It also marks the handoff from the sales team to our fulfillment and project management team. Follow up a meeting with respective team members are scheduled and timelines and expectations are set.

Project Management
All projects receive a dedicated project manager and are managed through our comprehensive web-based project management system. Every line item on your estimate is converted into a ticket in our system, these budgets are set and diligently tracked and timelines are established for every phase of your project. As a client, you have access to our system and are able to view the status of your project and can even collaborate directly with our team.

Whether we’re going live or going to print, Frackle Media will manage your project’s production with the utmost care and accountability. Let us hold your hand and guide you through the process, giving you greater insight into the production process and assuring a premium product.

When the project is ready for the public, which is often the case when a website goes live, we need to go through a series of steps and process to assure a smooth launch. Determining when a site is ready for launch is another subject altogether. Many organization wants to wait until the site is fully polished prior to going live, but there can be problems with waiting too long, Specifically, if your site is being rebuilt, this usually means added search engine benefit. You can’t reap the benefits of an SEO enhancement if Google can’t crawl the site. When in doubt, get your site live sooner than later so that you can get indexed by Google and start receiving search engine credit as soon as possible.

Our billing system is simple. We collect 50% deposit to begin and then bill you until the project is complete. Upon going live with a website development project, we collect the existing balance prior to launch. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email us today
