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a. Image gallery maintenance

We will keep a gallery of commonly used, approved images for use in marketing campaigns and social media posts. Frequently used images in posts can be stored in the Frackle Media photo Gallery, and even non-licensed (view only) FMG users can upload new photos to the Gallery, enabling our clients to easily contribute images if desired.


b. Key hashtags to use etc

Commonly used #hashtags in posts will be documented and their appropriate use described, so we can be diligent and consistent with the use of hashtags in posts.


c. Shared Rignite Login
If you would like to use the FMG features we can create a user login for you to have complete administrative access to all of FMG’s features. You’ll be able to respond, reply to, and engage with, any of your supporters, in addition to creating campigns, scheduling posts, responding to our efforts and more.

If you’d prefer, View Only users can be created for you and your team at no extra cost if you wish to see the activities in your marketing campaign. This is useful for monitoring Campign progress, seeing social engagement, viewing the dashboard, reviewing past and future scheduled posts, etc.