Digital image design services:
Frackle Media provides professional image editing services from basic image clean up and retouching, to building photo-realistic digital images from scratch. We are also available for photo shoots in our studio or on location.
Digital image design and editing services:
Below is a brief list of digital image design services provADstudiole Media.
• Image Editing
• Image Retouching
• Digital Illustration
• Digital Image Rendering
• 3-D Digital Rendering
• Color Adjustment
• File Format Conversion
• Product Photography
• Outdoor Photography
• Stock Photography
• Raster to Vector Image Conversions
Years of real-world design experience:
Frackle Media has provided professional digital image design services for a wide range of clients including: Gaming, Publishing, Travel and Tourism, Hospitality, Retail and various other industries.
Fast and easy project proofing:
Your digital image design order can be placed via the web and proofing of your job(s) is done digitally via email or through our online client area, as either Adobe® Acrobat files or JPEGs. Final approved artwork will then be sent almost instantly anywhere in the world via FTP, email, or on CD via overnight delivery.
Job turnaround times:
If we are able to assist in your project, and depending on our current workload, typical turnaround time from a client’s approval of the estimate and receipt of a 50% deposit for an initial concept or design for ads, brochures, logos and other print design work is 7 to 14 business days, web sites, depending on complexity, may take a little longer. Delivery of final artwork is dependent on client changes and approvals. Rush service may be available upon request at additional charge.